Meet the Powerful Women in Florence Given’s Fashion Illustrations

Meet the London-based feminist and artist Florence Given, who creates playful 80’s-style fashion illustrations depicting strong, confident, powerful women paired with quirky glasses, captions, and phrases delivered with a punch. Branding herself as a female figure for women’s empowerment, Given uses her platform to create social change, relating to women across the globe on relationships, self-love, and bold statements. Below are some of our favorite illustrations!

‘Be so into your own game it scares people’
‘If they do not add any value to your life, what the hell are they doing in it?’
‘How much of my femininity is who I truly am, and how much of it is a product of patriarchal brainwashing to exist for male consumption?’
‘There is enough room for all women to be whole without tearing each other down’
‘Women don’t owe you pretty’
‘Life is too short not to love the shit out of yourself’
‘Protect your energy’
‘Women are gonna change the fucking world’
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