Transformation Through Art: Fiona Tan’s 5 Mantras for 2021

The highly spiritually-sensitive multimedia artist from Monte-Carlo infuses energy healing in her work to bring inner transformation for her viewers.
As Albert Einstein stated: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Multimedia artist Fiona Tan is on a quest to explore unknown frontiers to discover the beauty of the universe, find wisdom, and reach a state of serenity. Through decomposition, the artist examines energy through drawing, painting, photography, or computer-generated elements by reconstructing imagery, again and again, bringing unison where there was havoc. She describes the process: “Just as rearranging musical notes on a piece of paper to create a symphony.”
Dubbed ARTceuticals, medicinal and transformation art, Tan uses light and energy as a medium to reflect experiences which help induce shifts in the viewer and space.Tan’s goal for her art is to help viewers attain growth and balance by dismantling blockages and conquering fears and pain, letting go of what does not serve them anymore. By creating a new experience, the artist encourages people to elevate themselves, giving them tools to transcend limitations, advising viewers to be open to surrender and let go of what no longer serves them.
To inspire our readers to begin 2021 on the right note, Tan has presented us with five mantras for the new year to go along with five of her “ARTceutical” works of art, each one is embedded with energy, vibration and beauty.
Mantra #1: “I let go and start anew.”

Artceutical Benefits: Promoting renewal, help with transitions, enhance happiness, and letting go off worries that no longer serves us.
What to say while viewing: “Dear Light, let me embrace renewal and change so that I can spread my wings and be attuned to your graces. Help me let go of worries and transition to happiness. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.” Praying is a way to connect to the universal light, be humble, vulnerable and thankful.
Mantra #2: “Bliss is all I need.”

Artceutical Benefits: Promoting bliss, flow, inner wellbeing, happiness, and can increase the number of negative ions in the air (beneficial for the human body).
What to think about while viewing: Bliss is defined as: perfect happiness, great joy. Something to look forward to for the new year, new goals. Bliss state calibrates at 750 on Hawkins scale of consciousness. Each Artceutical calibrates above 1000 and is therefore a tool to help increase your consciousness level.
Mantra #3: “I find life treasures daily.”

Artceutical Benefits: Promoting love, bliss, balanced heart rate, can help see the treasures in life more clearly and enhance happiness.
What to do and say while viewing: Tapping exercise (a few tapping points include the top of the head, between the eyebrows, the bottom of the eye and nose, below the lips). “Even tough I have been held back in the past, now I am ready to embrace to see and receive life’s treasures.”
Mantra #4: “Clarity is key.”

Artceutical Benefits: Promoting clarity, can help clear confusion, harmony, calm down on’s worries and pains, physically and emotionally, brings to light what needs to be addressed.
What to wear while viewing: Peppermint scent and oil can relieve headaches, boost during waking hours and help with sleep at bedtime. It has many virtues and is a great household add-on to have and use.
Mantra #5: “I choose to love, forgive, and shine brightly.”

Artceutical Benefits: Promoting connection to the divine feminine, to inner gifts, and can help enhance nurture, love and self-love.
Book: Use the artist’s transformational tools and coaching available to unlock your divine potential.